
Midweek Update- Week 1- Blue & Gold, Chick- Fil- A, Jr. Golf & Tennis Clinics

Dear Swim Families,

    I hope your swimmers are enjoying the first week of our regular season! Summer swim is a short but busy season, I have a lot of information to share with you so please keep reading. 

Blue & Gold Intramural Meet & Team Dinner 

Friday, June 14th at 4:30 PM - 9:00PM, Rain Date June 16th

     The Blue & Gold is an intramural meet and team dinner. It follows the same format as a dual meet and is a great way to introduce new swimmers to competition and parents to volunteer roles. After the meet, we enjoy dinner on the pool deck and socialize as a team.

     Please note that in the Blue & Gold meet, the coaches will have swimmers swim every stroke so they can asses the skill level of each swimmer in each stroke. 

***The following volunteer positions still need to be filled in order to run the Blue & Gold meet, this is a great time to learn these volunteer roles!***

  • 1 Finish Judge
  • 2 Scoring Table Volunteers
  • 1 Timer
  • 1 Announcer

Chick-Fil-A at Manheim Concessions on June 20th

     Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches will be available at the concession stand on June 20th at the away meet at Manheim. Sandwiches must be pre-ordered, the deadline to sign up is June 16th.  By signing up, you are agreeing to pay for the sandwiches when they are at the Manheim Swim Team concession stand. The other options for food that evening will be hot dogs.

Sandwiches are $6.00 each.


Junior Golf Clinics and Junior Tennis Clinics

     We are very excited that Junior Golf Clinics and Junior Tennis Clinics have been scheduled at times that allow our swimmers to participate in swim practice and golf and tennis clinics. Days and times included below.  

Wednesday Morning Junior Golf Clinics

These golf clinics are for all juniors, whether they are picking up a club for the first time or if they just want to sharpen their skills. With everyone’s busy summer schedules there are no pre signups or registration for the clinics. Drop the golfers off at the putting green and we will get them involved!

Please see the below hours:

Ages 5-10 11:15 am-11:45am
Ages 11-14 10:15 am-11:00am

Pricing/Age Group
Ages 5-10 $25/Clinic
Ages 11-14 $30/Clinic

Pay as you Go. No need to sign up, just show up at the putting green a few minutes before the start time.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Jared Good at [email protected].

Junior Tennis Reminder
This week starts the summer junior schedule.

AMP AcademyMonday-Thursday

Short Shots/Future Champs/All-StarsTuesday/Thursday
11:00am-12:00pm & 11:00am-12:30pm

Shooting Stars
11:30am - 1:00pm

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Bent Creek Country Club Swim Team 620 Bent Creek Drive, Lititz, PA 17543

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